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A Day at Santiago Catholic Trade School


The day begins with a shared prayer in the Queen of Peace Chapel, where students come together to recite the psalms, an ancient tradition of praise and adoration. This communal prayer sets the spiritual tone for the day ahead.


After breakfast, the young tradesmen transition into their work. Whether wiring electrical systems at the Frassati House or framing new structures like the St. James Chapel, they engage in purposeful, hands-on labor. Each work period is focused on completing tasks that contribute to the expansion of Santiago Retreat Center.


The day’s midpoint is marked by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the spiritual highlight of the day. This sacred time offers a pause for prayer and reflection, providing the tradesmen with spiritual sustenance.


Following lunch, there’s an opportunity for sports or relaxation, allowing the students some downtime before the next phase of their day—study. This is often the most challenging part, as students focus on online courses in the trades, delve into theological writings, or attend household meetings where life skills and spiritual formation are emphasized.


As the day winds down, the community gathers again for evening prayer, either reciting the rosary or reading scripture together. This final time of prayer helps the students maintain a continuous connection with God throughout the day.


Dinner is a time for nourishment and fellowship. Students often cook the meals themselves, and lively conversation around the table strengthens the bonds within the community.


In the evening, students have personal time to unwind and prepare for the next day. A good night’s sleep is essential to ensure they are rested and ready to meet the demands of another fulfilling day of work and spiritual growth.


Santiago Catholic Trade School
27912 Baker Canyon Rd
Silverado, Orange County, CA 92676


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